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Saxophonist Kevin Norton and Percussionist Jacob Ottmer Perform Of Wells & Springs

February 23 @ 11:30 am

Saxophonist Kevin Norton, one of the consortium commissioners for Of Wells and Springs, will perform it with percussionist Jacob Ottmer at the North American Saxo[hone Alliance, Region 5. gathering at the Cincinnati College-Conservatory of Music on February 23 at 11:30 a.m. in Mary Emery Hall 3250. The lead commissioners, members of Bent Frequency premiered it on their 20th anniversary concert at Georgia State University in Atlanta. The piece was inspired by Wendell Berry’s poem Water, about the joy of rain after drouth. At this point in our changing climate, we are in an ever-intensifying cycle of drouth and flood. He captures the vivid worry of drouth and the sweetness of its end. The poetry was the jumping-off point of the music and can be said to be a sonic reading of the poem. For more information visit here.


February 23
11:30 am


Cincinnati College Conservatory- Mary Emery Hall 3250
2600 Clifton Ave.
Cincinnati, OH United States
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